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What I’m using:
That looks very promissing:
Module directory:
What I use:
That one looks promissing:
Where goes what?
- controllers - simple, view related logic
- services - complex logic; controllers integration; integration with rest
services; domain knowledge
- directives - DOM manipulation, reusabe widgets
- filters - manipulating data with display in mind, ie: data formating,
in memory searches etc.
To avoid bad practices
- never touch DOM in controller, service nor filter. Directives are the single
place where you can play with DOM directly.
Recommended uses
- admin pages
- pages available only for logged user
- intranet pages
All pages where we have a lot of forms.
NOT recommended uses
- wikipedia clones: pages where is more content then interaction
- although there are hacks to prerender sites in phantomjs and serve them
as static html to crowlers
- games