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Who am I?
- Marcin Wosinek
- 7-years IT experience, along the way I’ve learned
- C# dev: UnitTests
- WebDev: pain of spaghetti code
- from Poland, currently based in Las Palmas
- remote contractor for Softwear from Amsterdam, Netherlands
Who are you?
- client side application framework
- the most popular one
- talks with rest api and renders at frontend
- More in last year talk.
Learning resource
Steep learning curve
- more natural for java devs then webdevs
- angular typical concepts make entry more difficult
- pretty comfortable plateau of productivity
- internal complexity leaks when we start writing own directives or have 1000+ bindings at page
Software loop
- code is written, built & tested
- only after passing all tests (automatic or manual) it gives us a reason to trust the code
- we need to make effort to keep order
- we live in the middle of garbage we create
Impact of feedback delay on controll
- quick feedback => stable process
- late feedback => pretty rough
Realistic expectation
- feedback from unit tests in around 60s
- feedback from integration below 15 min
Previous project
- 400-500 unit tests => 10s to 2min
- integration (manual, understaffed) => from 3 days to 3 weeks (max 6 months)
3rd party code update fail
- angular-ui, angular-select2 etc.
- application used every january:( sometime during the year we broke it, and learned that next time when user came
- we save time, and prevent crises
- it takes time to build it
- our manangement needs to understands importance of automation
- stack overflow careers
- code generator
- let a develop start quickly
- reusable code patterns
example code structure for angular
- sub generator takes care of fitting new files into that structure
core team supports generators for
- backbone
- ember
- jQuery plugin
- chrome app
bower - frontend package manager
- maven/gem/pip for the browser
- manage loading all the external libs in the correct versions
bower - flat dependency tree
- browser reads all file from one level - so all dependencies are installed next to each other
bower - bower screens
- module description in bower.json
- dependency conflict resolution
task menagement
- automate code build
- grunt - first that got a lot of traction
- grunt file will grow…
- gulp - currently the hip one. created to address grunt issue
purpose of grunt
- expose CLI command for common task
Quality assurance
Can you see the code?
I can’t :(
- I’m pretty sensitive to code style issues
- it’s quite common among programmers - some don’t care, but many care (too much)
- many open source project enforce consistent coding style
- code style enforcer
- is meant to be part of development process
- can be run by grunt
JSCS conf
- in json
- fine grained configuration
- code linter
- static code analysis
- catch issues in code:
- non matching brakets
- missing semicolons
- best to be integrated with code editor
- double checked by grunt at CI server
JShint example output
- BDD test framework
- play nicely in TDD
- nice flexible syntax
- almost plain english test reports
- good to install ‘jasmine-expect’:
- array & object related matchers
- test runner
- one server to rule all browsers
- selenium wrapper
- understands angular & waits for internals to finish execution
Phantomjs & dependants
- webkit browser with (only) js interface
- headless and scriptable browser
- casperjs - wrapper on phantomjs, makes api easier to work with
- pageres - CLI tool to take page screens at different resolution
- npm module for testing http api
- after all frontend is doing QA for backend. So let’s do it in the smart way
- (almost) all tools are written in js
- server side js
- npm as a dependency manager
- nvm - CLI utility that takes care of managin multiple node version at the same machine
Dependency tree @ npm
- nested dependency tree
- the same module can exist in different version
- all QA task should be run as part of CI process
- projects at GitHub plays nicely with travis-ci
Release flow
- code is kept in source repo
- after build, code is pushed to separate git repo
- code is available for bower/npm, etc
- “poor man’s artifact repository”
- strictly defined version meaning
- well established in js comunity
- major - bracking changes
- minor - non breaking changes, extending existing api
- patch - error fixes
- angular is go-to framework for Single Page App
- automation leads to quality
- automation for front-end is pretty impresive
ngConf extended
- conference in Salt Lake City, US
- provides streaming for remote comunities to watch live
- March 5-6, 2015
- drop me a line if you want to watch it in LPGC
- sessions:
- Angular inside google
- Building Platforms with angular.js
- Ionic + Angular - mobile development
- How organize Angular 1.3 app for Angular 2.0
- es6 in angular